Saturday, April 2, 2016

A busy couple of months + Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge my out put for the 3 months

Well the club nights have come and gone and though games were played and photos taken I have not made much of an effort to update the blog. That said the last night that I missed had a great Battle of Britain Wings of Glory game play out. The game was played on the new London mat that came with the Kickstarter Straken model. To be honest I wished I was there as the planes just disappear into the background and it looks more realistic than I could have imagined. Very atmospheric. Here's hoping that Baz will run another night of the same mayhem.

What has kept me entertained games wise was the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge . For three months people across the globe spend their spare time licking brushes and splashing paint in an effort to challenge themselves to paint more miniatures.
Well I speed painted some stuff and came a respectable 21st out of 80 or so participants. But I am afraid that some of my paint jobs were, how would you say it "rushed" to get them done. Even so I really enjoyed the challenge and would give it a go all over again. Go on join or set up your own challenge. Con the club mates into a 10 miniature force in a two week period to get them started. This is what I plan with some of the gamers at my club.
I want to thank all the participants in the Challenge and the excellent effort run by Curt Campbell and his Minions (see the blog) , you really must have a look at some of the fine miniature painting efforts that occurred and really blow your brains going over some of the "statistics" generated for the blog participants. The Challenge theoretically made close to a half a million dollars for the ongoing gaming economy, by including minis bought, painted and then err um necessarily replaced.

Well my effort below.

3 months painting effort

different angle
These were painted but sold at CanCon prior to the final image

Forgot to add this one to the group

Forgot this one too
My "payment" for participating, just got to figure out how to get it to Canada without it falling apart. I have posted 15mm armies overseas with mixed success but not 28mm minis on plinths.

Oh is a Warlord Phillip of Macedonia miniature.