Monday, August 26, 2013

Late August at the club 2013 Old school game woo hoo

This is a quick training game to introduce a couple of new gamers into WFB run by one of the more knowledgeable if somewhat younger member of the club. It seemed to go off well as not too many points but much damage done to all and sundry.

The obligatory Magic The Gathering Game. Won as usual by Charles….. Hmm full time job, lots of disposable income and therefore plenty of juicy rare cards. Not that I am complaining hehehe.

A three way Malifaux game, got to give this another go but not get suckered into to many of the new miniatures.

Malifaux game number 2.
40 K game with one of the club regulars and his girlfriend. Now how did he wangle that! Another female wargamer, not so mythical after all. These are Mark’s Iron Warriors and very nice they are too.
His ladies Necrons, well on the way to being a formidable force.
The camera was closer to the Iron Warriors than the Necrons really wanted to be.
Seven Years War using Charles Grant’s “The Wargame” Bounce Sticks and Canister templates were in evidence, for those in the know. These are the Austrian and Russian combined force.
These are some of the French, enemies of said Austrians.
A closer view of the Austrians, I believe made by Eureka miniatures, nice and very reminiscent of Tony Barton’s figures. I think Mike Broadbent sculpted these.
Wings of Glory; and the Balloon popped on the second shot from the rockets.
I have to do a few more painting tutorials to get the lads adding a bit of colour to the plastic.
An overview of the Church Hall with 7 card gamers, 13 miniature gamers and me, gluing together Perry War of the Roses plastic miniatures in a corner watching the SYW game, oh and taking dodgy photos at random.
Hopefully a few work in progress photos of Impetus Successors 15mm, DBA/FOG Crusaders 15mm and maybe some Dux Britanarium late Romans/Romano British 28mm. Yes I know, gaming butterfly. A friend of mine actually says "You Junky!" and don't I know it.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Friday August 09 2013 Lots of minis tonight

We had a great turn up tonight with quite a few returning to the fold and playing miniatures rather than roleplay games, mind you a small group chatted all night about starting up either a Vampire the Masquerade or a Star Wars SAGA game. Pity not the Studio Tomahawks SAGA I prefer. Oh well.

Inspired by our Man O War game our resident Chaos dwarf decided to build his own fleet rather than pay the exorbitant prices on evil bay.

Wings of Glory WWII with a Battle of the Bismarck Sea refight. I joined in later to see the Aussie and US aircraft snot all the ships in short order and even take down one of the Japanese fighters. I really enjoyed to AI Japanese planes using a solo rules mechanism from the Wings of Glory Aerodrome. Good Stuff.

AI driven (flown) planes.

A couple of lads attempting to paint in poor light, I had a quick chat and demonstrated a drybrush technique and blow me away they did a great job on a Necron lord.


Some of the lads teaching others how to play 40K in a quick and dirty skirmish, this is what clubs are all about, all of us helping each other.


I had no idea that the Malifaux minis were coming out in plastic, must investigate, no no must hold back, but they look so shiny……………………well they do, in a grey plastic sort of way.

Orc civil war,                       ummm the orcs won!

Near the end of the Bismarck Sea fight, lots of sinking ships and Japanese fighters wondering what just happened.