Well Friday saw our Painting competition and there was a grand total of 36 entries in total for a grab at 21 places and a couple of consolation prizes. Barry kindly stepped into the breach to judge the competition. Yet we all voted for the best in show. This final award was a close run thing as 7 votes went to Brendan's beautiful High Elf Griffin from the fantasy section and 9 votes went to Reon for his Rhino with "hitch-hiker".
It has to be said a big thank you goes to
Eureka Miniatures for Paints and Brushes as prizes.
War and Peace Games for Paint sets, Brushes, Basing flock, magnets and other goodies
The Combat Company for 2 $25.00 vouchers to spend in their store
Micks Metal Models for 2 lots of 15mm World War two packs of miniatures.
Also those club members that read this blog will note that the excess cash we build up throughout the year goes back into the club as we buy some of the prizes too, namely some Mantic game material, GW boxedsets and more paint that the grand prize of GWs Dreadfleet.
Ok On with the Photos
First Place Fantasy Monster
Another Angle
First Place Sci-Fi vehicle
Hitch Hiker
2nd place fantasy monster
Open 2nd place
Open 3rd place
Sci Fi Unit first
Fantasy Unit First
Fantasy Single First
Sci-Fi single first
Fantasy Monster 3rd
Fantasy Unit 2nd
Fantasy Unit 3rd
Scifi single 3rd
Sci fi single 2nd
Scifi unit 2nd
Sci fi unit 3rd
Sci fi vehicle 2nd
Scifi vehicle 3rd
Young blood unit
Nice but not a winner
Beholder no prize but I liked it
Man o War ship nice but no winner
I showed this before but I wanted to point out how the orange glow from the sword plays out on the armour and even the grass tuft. This was the first attempt at object source lighting by the painter.
Malifaux game on the night
Another Game of malifaux
Battle fleet Gothic game on the night, notice the deeeeeep contemplation of the rules, which stemmed from a collision between a whopping big ship and a smaller frigate like ship.
Well I hope that everyone enjoyed the night sadly it will be the last for December but we will return in January.